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December 16, 2009
Time Speaker Note
4:58:07 PM Chair Carol Collins Called to Order. I. Roll Call of those present: Board members Carol Collins, Rick Fink, Jack Clarkson, Bill Walton and Jill Wilkinson. Open Lands Coordinator Mike Harris and Recording Secretary Crystal Turner were also present.
4:58:24 PM Chair Carol Collins There was no (II.) public comment on items that were not on the agenda.
4:58:35 PM Chair Carol Collins III. Approval of Meeting Minutes from October 21, 2009
4:58:48 PM Chair Carol Collins Any corections/changes to the minutes? If not, I'd entertain a motion to approve them.
4:59:14 PM Jack Clarkson I would move to approve the minutes as they were electronically transmitted to the board.
4:59:20 PM Rick Fink Second
4:59:24 PM   Motion passed unanimously.
4:59:31 PM Chair Carol Collins Agenda Adjustment--IV. Public Hearings Regarding the Following Action Items: Discussion and Finalizing Working of Dinosaur Playground Rules
4:59:52 PM   Board thanked Bob Farrington for the kind way the rules are worded. Rick Fink said a personal rule for him is to have "No dogs inside the playground."  
5:00:55 PM Bob Farrington, FOR Parks We tried to be as positive as possible and wordsmithed the language so they didn't all start with "do not."
5:01:29 PM   Continued board discussion. If a separate sign prohibiting dogs is nearby, Rick Fink is okay with that being off this sign.
5:02:08 PM   Deb Kane arrived.
5:02:12 PM   Continued board discussion regarding dogs being on leash. Rick also suggested that the third bullet and the second from last bullet be combined. Merged language would read, "If you see unlawful activity, unsafe behavior or conditions report it to the County Parks Department at 582-3178." Mike suggested to put at the bottom, "In case of emergency dial 9-1-1" as well. Bob Farrington agreed to those changes.
5:06:11 PM Jack Clarkson If there are no additional changes, I would move that we accept them as modified and prepare them for resolution.
5:06:32 PM Bill Walton Second
5:06:38 PM   Motion passed unanimously.
5:06:46 PM Bob Farrington, FOR Parks Commented that he is now the new president of FOR Parks. They will hold a public meeting in January to try to generate more public input. The Board is invited to attend. They would also like to do a tree planting project in the spring.
5:08:05 PM   Jack Clarkson stated as an FYI to Bob Farrington that the Gallatin County Republican Women have two flagpoles to donate - they offered one to the library and were turned down. They are 36-foot flagpoles and GCRW are raising money to install them. They may come to the Board or to FOR Parks offering one.
5:12:54 PM Chair Carol Collins MOU with Skate Park
5:13:00 PM Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator Distributed an updated draft based on changes to insurance provisions because Gallatin Valley Skate Park has dropped their insurance due to high costs - he inserted instead that if GVSA will be on park property, they will need to be accompanied with Mike.
5:14:13 PM   Board questions and discussion with Mike regarding dates of the agreement. Mike stated the date should be from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2012. Mike added that if GVSA has raised money in that two year window we could continue the MOU, but if nothing had occurred the Board could just allow the MOU to terminate and work with another group. Discussion regarding amending the language in the design paragraph regarding public hearings, that the word be changed from "will" to "must." Rick and Jack added that #6 should read, "Completed designs must be adopted at a public hearing." Discussion regarding when the asset is actually gifted to the County.
5:21:17 PM   Kelli Stanley arrived. Board welcomed Kelli, Calvin and Amos.
5:22:03 PM   Chair Collins asked if there were any other comments or changes suggested to the license agreement. Jack mentinoed that paragraph 11 states "Time is of the essence." It's kind of worded funny. Mike Harris said it is standard legalese. The board discussed changing the sentence, but then decided to leave it as is.
5:26:34 PM Jack Clarkson I would move that we approve the Gallatin County memorandum of understanding with GVSA with the modifications that were discussed and incorporated today.
5:26:56 PM Jill Wilkinson Second
5:27:01 PM   Motion passed unanimously.
5:27:17 PM Elwood Bakken, Gallatin Valley Skate Association Questioned how this board will resolve user issues. Would rules be developed of who to allow and disallow to use the skate park? Will that be decided by Bozeman City Commission, this board or GVSA?
5:27:58 PM Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator Basic operations, safety rules, etc. would come with your proposal to the Board, and then the board would adopt it. We would need to take a look at the use of bicycles, for example, and determine if they will be allowed - how that will be enforced, etc. Deb Kane suggested to Elwood that in their designs, the fundraising has been done for skateboards, to plan on different options if another user group were to also raise funds. You could have a special bike area, to be expanded on when the bike users raised enough money.
5:31:26 PM Chair Carol Collins Approval of Donated Plaques to be Placed on Regional Park Bridge
5:31:39 PM Ted Lange, Gallatin Valley Land Trust Explained that GVLT worked with a variety of partners to do the bridge at the Regional Park. There are still two plaques to be installed on the bridge: donor recognition plaque and (required) weight limit plaque. GVLT is working with Intrinsik Architecture. A third plaque is requested to be installed by a donor who will pay for the staff time and parts and labor for the other two plaques if the allow this third that would be in memorandum of the donor's son-in-law. The wording would be "Dedicated in loving memory of Richard Allen by Raine Coker."
5:33:58 PM   Board requested clarification from Ted Lange regarding plaques or bridge being dedicated. Discussion regarding the Naming Policy and following its rules. After much board discussion, Chair Collins clarified that the dedication plaque would read "In loving memory of Richard Allen" on one plaque. Another plaque would have all the other donor names. Discussion with Ted Lange regarding irritating the other donors by having one plaque for one person only. discussion regarding not allowing anymore plaques after these. Mike Harris suggested one side of the bridge have the memorial plaque and the other side have the remaining donors' names.
5:50:02 PM Chair Carol Collins Summarized the board's consensus--Three plaques, one weight limit, one donor recognition and one plaque to read "In loving memory of Richard Allen." No more plaques on this bridge after this. This will be on next month's agenda as a pending resolution.
5:51:26 PM Jack Clarkson I would move that we accept and approve the request made by the Gallatin Valley Land Trust for the signage on the bridge.
5:51:34 PM Rick Fink Second
5:51:37 PM   Board discussion - with the parameters the board has already discussed and put on the record.
5:51:50 PM   Motion passed unanimously.
5:52:04 PM Chair Carol Collins Approval of License with Northwestern Energy for Access of Power Line on a County Park
5:52:21 PM Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator Explanation of history of Valley Center and reason needed. Mike only has authority to grant a seven-day license and this would grant NWE a license for one year.
5:55:53 PM   Board questions and clarification that the license states 2009 and should read December 16, 2009 through January 1, 2011.
5:59:19 PM Jack Clarkson I would move to approve the license with Northwestern Energy for access to the power lines on the county park as presented.
5:59:36 PM Rick Fink Second
5:59:50 PM   Motion passed unanimously.
6:01:17 PM Chair Carol Collins V. Discussion Items - How to File/Record Licenses for Future Reference
6:01:24 PM   Mike Harris and Crystal Turner discussion with the Board. Crystal explained that the County Commission office is currently in process of scanning all the paper copy files saved. There is a Board of Park Commission file, which is currently used to file the agenda, approved minutes and any other applicable information distributed at the board meeeting (that does not get recorded at the Clerk & Recorder's office, like contracts, resolutions, etc...) and licenses are kept in there now. We could scan all those and eventually they will be available to the public via the County website but are not yet accessible that way. The Board agreed this was a good route to proceed with.
6:03:55 PM Chair Carol Collins Review of BOPC Claims and/or Credit Card Statement
6:04:03 PM Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator There was one expense to go to West Yellowstone to the Tri-State Park & Trails Conference. Discussion with the board regarding melting trails and parks discussions at the conference. (Board reviewed claims with Mike as well.)
6:07:50 PM Chair Carol Collins Status of Language for Dedication Sign of Dinosaur Playground to Bob Farrington
6:07:56 PM   Mike Harris stated that he talked Bob into accepting this. The Board stated Bob doesn't get a say in it - they want to dedicate it to him for all his efforts. Mike said Bob was a little apprehensive because there were a lot of volunteers, not just him.
6:08:51 PM Chair Carol Collins VI. General Park/Subdivision Updates
6:08:56 PM Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator Has had to plow the Regional Park a few times. People are still using the Dinosaur Playground even with this weather. He received one phone call regarding the "sledding hill" which is really the amphitheatre. It was not designed for a sledding hill. With the warmer weather the snow melted and formed a lot of ice. We had also mowed so that eliminated the normal barrier. The caller was worried kids would slide much too far. Mike is still trying to figure out something to do such as plant different grasses to help slow sledders down. He'd like to put a sign that reminds parents to be with their kids. Bill Walton suggested throwing sawdust down which would help slow people down. Discussion regarding setting up foundations.
6:15:05 PM Chair Carol Collins Subcommittee Reports
6:15:10 PM   Town Hall meeting moved to January 21, 2010. Interconnect Subcommittee is beginning to schedule the individual community meetings. Bill Walton stated he did not have a big update for the Lion's Club 4th of July project yet. They have concerns if power will be available, how will parking work, is the amphitheatre designed well enough. Mike said the amphitheatre isn't designed for sitting - it's too steep. Parking issues - we should talk to Streamline to see if people could park at Walmart and they could bus them in, or something similar.
6:27:42 PM   There was no Chair Report.
6:27:52 PM Chair Carol Collins VII. Set Agenda, Meeting Time and Location - January 20, 2010 at 5PM.
6:28:48 PM   VIII. Adjourned.